In a message dated 4/26/02 7:27:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>>I agree. Which is why I have always been careful to stress (sometimes in
>>these exact words), that no perceived failing in Joni's later work could 
>>diminish the magnitude of her achievement ... nothing can take that away 
>I've agreed with Fred in all of this thread. I think he would also say
>(correct me if I'm wrong) that even her post Mingus work as a whole stands 
>above even in comparison to the work of those 30 years her junior.

I would modify that to " **some** of her post Mingus work." And I would 
further modify to "stands well above in comparison to the work of **most** of 
those 30 years her junior." Although not 30 years her junior, the two 
exceptions to this are Shawn Colvin and Jonatha Brooke; their best work is 
better than most of post-Mingus Joni, and stands up to her own best. Need I 
qualify this as just my opinion?


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