I had what was rather quickly scheduled neo-emergency dental surgery
today, that ripped teeth out of my jaw, or at least one tooth but does
it damn hurt and if I didn't have prescriptions for both Darvocet and
Vicodin to beat back the pain I wouldn't be able to stop screaming long
enough to type the following:

I am sure this has been covered before, I faintly remember it, but, in
that I am confined to home tonight, I rented a bunch of dvds including
the Kevin Klein movie, Life as a House, and lo and behold right in the
middle of the movie is our Joni singing Clouds from BSN!  Oh, did that
sound lovely!

The movie is ok,was wishing it was more fulfiling of its promise, great
concept bur things are getting resolved too easily, but wow, was it nice
to hear Joni so unexpectedly!  And as I am popping pills all through
this movie, it is interesting that the characters are likewise downing
drugs right and left, and even more, the same drugs as me! Talk about
product placement for Darvocet and Vicodin!   But I digress...

I have never heard Joni used more effectively in a movie - that BSN
version of Clouds just leaps right out at you and grabs you, the
director did it well, prior to Joni there was total silence other than
dialogue for a few minutes and then all of a sudden, Joni is heard -- it
was really  a pleasant surprise, and very beautiful.   The sax solo, it
never sounded lovelier.  Just so evocative!

I am about 3/4 of the way through the movie and still have yet to see
the big finish, taking a packing my mouth with ice to stem the bleeding
and swelling break, and the sounds of Joni are still wafting through my
dazed and addled and empty little head.

Oh, I also have to eat cold things today to keep the swelling down and
tried today for the fikrst time ever an ice-cream type thing made from
soy milk, called Organic Soy, I got the chocolate fudge flavor (with
carob, not chocolate) and damn this stuff is tasty!  Never would have

Bleeding gums and a mouth of ice and pain, organic soy milk frozen
concoction and Vicodin and Darvocet and Joni - does life get any better
than this?  Those folks in NYC for the Bob Fest have nothing on me!

(the Rev) Vince

PS Have a great time, Bob and everyone!!!

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