When I was about 15 or so, my mother and I were
driving somewhere when a bird flew into the grill of
the car and was killed. My mom mentioned that her
mother was superstisious about birds getting into your
house. She believed that if a bird flew into your
house and died, someone who lived in the house would
soon die.

Over the next couple of days, while riding with my
mother, we hit two more birds. A couple of days later,
my sister and two of her friends were in a car
accident. They rolled a car 3 times on a back country
road. Luckily everyone survived, my sister was the
worst injured with a broken collarbone. The car was

I'm not a superstiious person, but everytime a bird
flies closely in front of my car I'm a very cautious
driver for a while afterwards!

This isn't the first time I have had a weird bird
experience.  Two 
ago I was warned by a bird that my dog was going to be
hit by a car.  I 
sitting on in the backyard with my then roommates,
drinking some beers 
reading, talking and suddenly this bird came out of
nowhere and just
slammed into my chair.  The bird lay still stunned and
did not move.  I
found a little twig and tried lightly poking the bird
and he did not
respond.  He must have lain, not moving, for over a
whole minute, which
seemed like a long time.  Then he suddenly got up and
flew off into the
sky, disappearing into the heavens.

That night my dog Andy got out and was almost
instantly hit by a car.  
went outside and found him lying on the street and he
did not move.  He 
still alive but barely.  I lifted him up and we put
him in a car and my
roommate drove to the emergency clinic.  He died on
the way.  I have no
doubt in my mind that this bird was trying to let me
know what was 
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