On 8/17/07, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > To Joel's point, I made a template for my docs a while back.  If
> > anyone is interested in getting a copy of it then I'll clean it up,
> > zip it up, and post it.
> Joel, Karl, and anyone else that wants a copy of the template - you
> can grab it here:
> http://malsup.com/jquery/template.zip
> It's just a simple HTML starter.  Make whatever changes you want or need.
> Mike

Hey Mike, thank you so much for this! This is a great collection of files to
build upon. Removing the need to spend time considering how documentation
and examples should look really helps - especially for those of us who got
into jQuery via a visual design background. It's easy to get overly precious
about things when a better use of time would be concentrating on getting
clear and concise information out to people. Having all those handy plugins
collected and ready to go too... I'm pretty excited :)

You are officially my Hero of the Week. Cheers!

Joel Birch.

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