I'm 99.9% certain that I have correctly deduced that the reason for the
continued addition of the error messages to the DOM is that the errorsFor:
function() [see below] is not finding the ones that have been added already.

errorsFor: function(element) {
>     return this.errors().filter('p[id="error-' + this.idOrName(element) +
> '"]');  // edited MQ - p[id=error- instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> },

What I'm not sure of is _why_ it's not finding anything.  I have also tried

.filter("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'error-" + this.idOrName(element) + "']");

but still without success.  I have searched around the docs and the script
itself to try and learn what .errors() does, but have not yet been able to
find anything on it.  I thought maybe it returned an array of elements that
have the class of 'error' attached to them, but that does not seem to be the

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Once again, you can see this in action at



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