hi, ..

by using this snippet, everything works great in Firefox - you can
move the mouse
everywhere inside the red DIV border, and get out .. the fading effect
always works correctly.

but, in IE 6/7, .hover only seems to act when the mouse is AT the red
border; well,
if you set a background-color to #test, or, a background-image (like a
transparent GIF),
it also works ... but, when setting a transparent GIF, IE 6
flickers ... like, swichtes
between default cursor and hour glass during the fading process ...
also, can't set
background-color, because the (original) site itself has a background-
image ... so, the
DIV must remain transparent at all.

any solutions?

please, have a look at this..


300px;border:1px solid #f00;}







<div id="test">...</div>


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