With the latest Julia, you can do this by 


On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 9:57:54 AM UTC-5, Neal Becker wrote:
> As a first exercise, I wanted to code magnitude squared of a complex 
> 1-d array.  Here is what I did: 
> mag_sqr{T} (x::Array{Complex{T},1}) = 
> sum(real(x).*real(x)+imag(x).*imag(x)) 
> Is this a "good" approach?  I'm wondering if it's not very efficient, 
> since I 
> expect it would compute matrixes of element-wise products first, rather 
> than 
> doing the sum as a running summation (like a loop in c++). 
> Can you suggest something "better"? 

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