Good point. I suppose you do slicing along axes.

 — John

On Oct 9, 2014, at 7:29 PM, Stefan Karpinski <> wrote:

> Well, I might argue that the slices are along the axes rather than them being 
> the same thing.
>> On Oct 9, 2014, at 10:05 PM, John Myles White <> 
>> wrote:
>> I’d suggest slices for consistency with the function mapslices.
>> — John
>>> On Oct 9, 2014, at 6:15 PM, Tim Holy <> wrote:
>>> Would be great to have it clarified in the manual.
>>> I think I've brought this up before, and if there was a consensus I don't 
>>> recall it. In my opinion, the various usages of "dims" and "region" in the 
>>> manual and help are pretty confusing. It would be nice to standardize 
>>> terminology. I confess to being fond of talking about the "axes" of an 
>>> array, 
>>> but I am fine with other choices too.
>>> --Tim
>>>> On Friday, October 10, 2014 07:29:06 AM K Leo wrote:
>>>> Thanks to both for explanations. "along dimensions in region" sounds
>>>> pretty confusing to me.  Can that be stated more clearly?  Pardon my
>>>> English.
>>>> I guess this is what I wanted.
>>>> julia> [std(A[i:i+9]) for i=1:length(A)-9]
>>>> 91-element Array{Any,1}:
>>>> 0.395761
>>>> 0.391694
>>>> 0.392545
>>>> 0.363307
>>> 0.392545
>>>> ⋮
>>>> 0.322292
>>>> 0.325662
>>>> 0.345799
>>>>> On 2014年10月10日 07:17, Simon Kornblith wrote:
>>>>> Or alternatively:
>>>>> std(reshape(A,10,div(length(A),10)),1)
>>>>> Simon
>>>>> On Thursday, October 9, 2014 7:10:11 PM UTC-4, Patrick O'Leary wrote:
>>>>>  "optionally *along dimensions in region*" (emphasis mine). You are
>>>>>  attempting to read along the tenth dimension of the array.
>>>>>  You're trying to split the array into groups of ten elements, it
>>>>>  sounds like.
>>>>>  [std(A[10(n-1)+1:10n]) for n in 1:length(A)./10]
>>>>>  On Thursday, October 9, 2014 5:56:01 PM UTC-5, K leo wrote:
>>>>>      I am hoping to get the std's of every 10 consecutive elements
>>>>>      in A.
>>>>>      std(v[, region])
>>>>>      Compute the sample standard deviation of a vector or array v,
>>>>>      optionally
>>>>>      along dimensions in region. The algorithm returns an estimator
>>>>>      of the
>>>>>      generative distribution’s standard deviation under the
>>>>>      assumption that
>>>>>      each entry of v is an IID drawn from that generative
>>>>>      distribution. This
>>>>>      computation is equivalent to calculating sqrt(sum((v -
>>>>>      mean(v)).^2) /
>>>>>      (length(v) - 1)). Note: Julia does not ignore NaN values in the
>>>>>      computation. For applications requiring the handling of
>>>>>      missing data,
>>>>>      the DataArray package is recommended.
>>>>>>      On 2014年10月10日 06:49, Patrick O'Leary wrote:
>>>>>> On Thursday, October 9, 2014 5:42:40 PM UTC-5, K leo wrote:
>>>>>>  julia> std(A, 10)
>>>>>> A only has elements along the first dimension. What behavior
>>>>>      do you
>>>>>> expect here?

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