I’ve often wished we had a Julia reading list that provided useful references 
for people wanting to learn about the big ideas involved in Julia.

For understanding mutable vs. immutable types, I found this very helpful:

* http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/values/values-0.html

It takes several reads to really understand, but it gets at the core issues. 
What it lacks is a broader CS-level exposition of how stack and heap allocated 
memory differ — that’s like a minimum background before that specific writeup 
will make sense.

I’m not sure what a good read about parametric types would be.

For the broader topic of invariants, the description of how Javascript’s v8 
engine works without invariants is really useful: 

For function specialization, I think Julia itself is the best place to have 
better docs. I think the docs already touch on the big idea: Julia writes a new 
function body for every tuple of input types. This could maybe be stated in a 
more didactic way.

 — John

On Oct 26, 2014, at 2:54 AM, Andreas Lobinger <lobing...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, it helps a little bit.
> The question was rather on what to read (what book to read) to be able to 
> follow discussions like Stefan's and John's discussion here. Obviously the 
> julia type system is a benefit for the compiler. 
> On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 4:53:26 PM UTC+2, Iain Dunning wrote:
> Do you feel like you are over-typing things?
> In function definitions, you only need types if you actually need to them to 
> pick a function to dispatch to. They don't make anything go faster, as a 
> specific version of a function will be compiled for every different set of 
> argument types you try calling it with.
> So, check out:
> https://github.com/IainNZ/GraphLayout.jl/blob/master/src/spring.jl
> for example.
> layout_spring_adj{T}(adj_matrix::Array{T,2}
> So it takes any array of element type T. For every time you call this with a 
> different element type, a different version of the function will be compiled. 
> So this fancy looking code:
> if adj_matrix[i,j] != zero(eltype(adj_matrix))
> Simply gets turned into if adj_matrix[i,j] != 0.0  or  0 or False or .... and 
> so on, pretty magic!
> For Types, you should specify concrete types whenever you can, or use 
> parametric types if you can't. If you don't, and use say, Number, or leave it 
> blank, simple things like Float64s and Ints will be "boxed", so there will be 
> overhead whenever you use them and the compiler may struggle to infer that 
> some things are Float64s or Ints and not just Anys.
> Hope that helps somewhat.
> On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:28:12 AM UTC-4, Nils Gudat wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> Don't know if you've seen this already and whether this is helpful at all, 
> but I discovered this site once when I got confused by some TypeErrors, it 
> basically lays out the entire type tree of Julia.
> Best,
> Nils
> On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 12:11:03 PM UTC+1, Andreas Lobinger wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm now a julia user for some time, but still i have problems (comming from a 
> c, f77, matlab, python background) to understand the type system. Especially 
> when i try to integrate own code into packages (happened to Cairo + Compose, 
> pending for Winston) i seem to choose always a more complicated way (my 
> observation, code similar in py or c just looks shorter...) because somehow 
> things do not match. 
> So.
> What to read to understand the julia approach to types and type interference?
> Wishing a happy day,
>        Andreas

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