Ah, I forgot, it wasn't in julia-users, it was in julia-dev!


On Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 10:30:05 AM UTC-4, Tom Breloff wrote:
> Scott: I remember there being another discussion but I can't seem to find 
> it.  How did you try to get in touch?  Do you want to start a github issue 
> and I'll comment there?
> On Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 10:20:08 AM UTC-4, Scott Jones wrote:
>> This was already discussed recently, here on julia-users, I'm trying to 
>> get in touch with Dahua Lin (author of Formatting.jl)
>> to see about adding a simpler `sfmt` that would help with this).
>> On Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 10:13:46 AM UTC-4, Tom Breloff wrote:
>>> I wonder if what we really need is just some extra additions to 
>>> Formatting.jl (since I think this is the best place to keep standard 
>>> formatting calls).  We could add fmt2, fmt3, etc which would be meant for 
>>> formatting floats to that precision.  I suspect that's the most common use 
>>> of formatting.  Additionally, just a shorter name than "generate_formatter" 
>>> might help adoption for non-standard formatting.  If this makes sense to 
>>> people, I'll start an issue on github, and perhaps a PR as well.
>>> julia> using Formatting
>>> julia> fmt2 = generate_formatter("%1.2f")
>>> sprintf_JTEuMmY! (generic function with 1 method)
>>> julia> fmt3 = generate_formatter("%1.3f")
>>> sprintf_JTEuM2Y! (generic function with 1 method)
>>> julia> @time fmt2(31231.345435245)
>>>   55.763 milliseconds (33974 allocations: 1444 KB)
>>> "31231.35"
>>> julia> @time fmt2(31231.345435245)
>>>   13.573 microseconds (15 allocations: 608 bytes)
>>> "31231.35"
>>> julia> @time fmt3(31231.345435245)
>>>   11.193 milliseconds (5882 allocations: 254 KB)
>>> "31231.345"
>>> julia> @time fmt3(31231.345435245)
>>>   16.231 microseconds (15 allocations: 608 bytes)
>>> "31231.345"
>>> On Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 3:55:01 AM UTC-4, cormu...@mac.com wrote:
>>>> You could use a type: 
>>>>     julia> type Out 
>>>>               n::Float64 
>>>>            end 
>>>>     julia> function Base.show(io::IO, n::Out) 
>>>>                print(io, "$(round(n.n, 2))") 
>>>>            end 
>>>>     show (generic function with 83 methods) 
>>>> then you can just use Out(x) whenever you want x rounded to 2 d.p. 
>>>>         julia> for i in 0.7454539:1.5:5 
>>>>                println("i is $i and displayed as $(Out(i))") 
>>>>            end 
>>>>     i is 0.7454539 and displayed as 0.75                 
>>>>     i is 2.2454539000000002 and displayed as 2.25                 
>>>>     i is 3.7454539000000002 and displayed as 3.75           

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