I gave a look into the folders of OpenJUMP-Portable-20220114-r5017 and I
found that some libraries are duplicated or are in a wrong place

a) xml-apis-1.3.04.jar is into OJ/lib/ext/OpenKlem folder.  It should be
into the OJ/lib folder as also embedded classes into OpenJUMP.jar need this
library. It is quite impossible to view (Sextante) Raster Image layers if
OJ does not detetch this class. OpenJUMP 1.16 has this class into OJ/lib
folder, a newer one: xml-apis-1.4.01.jar

b) Both OpenKlem and Sextante have the following duplicated libraries into
their folder: jep-2.4.2.jar, jfreechart-1.5.3.jar. I think these classes
should go into OJ/Lib/ext or, better OJ/lib folder (and embedded into
OpenJUMP core dist.
I prefer second option as both classes present many advantages compared to
what OpenJUMP core uses instead:
a) jep is a math parser and it has its counterpart in pirol math parser
libraries embedded into OpenJUMP ( classes de.fho.jump.pirol.utilities.*).
Jep is used by both Sextante raster/vector calculators and OpenKlem raster
calculator . Pirol parser is used into Feature calculator.
But jep is more complete, it allows you to do logical operations (it, and,
or, etc) and it has algorithms to work with matrices). One day we can
subsitute pirol calsses with jep.
b) jfreechart is used by Sextante and OpenKlem diagrams. OpenJUMP uses
JAIMath* classes which have lesser features. JMathPlot is in github but the
project https://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/ seems more active in the last few

Best regards

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