I setup a basic l2circuit between a sup720 and an m20.

Here's the IOS config and output

interface GigabitEthernet1/2
  description blahblah
  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
  switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,100,127
  switchport mode trunk

interface Vlan100
  no ip address
  xconnect X.X.Y.110 803 encapsulation mpls

Local interface: Vl100 up, line protocol up, Eth VLAN 100 up
   Destination address: X.X.Y.110, VC ID: 803, VC status: down
     Output interface: none, imposed label stack {794085}
     Preferred path: not configured
     Default path: active
     Next hop: Invalid ADDR
   Create time: 00:12:29, last status change time: 00:03:35
   Signaling protocol: LDP, peer X.X.Y.110:0 up
     MPLS VC labels: local 38, remote 794085
     Group ID: local 0, remote 0
     MTU: local 1500, remote 1500
     Remote interface description:
   Sequencing: receive disabled, send disabled
   VC statistics:
     packet totals: receive 0, send 0
     byte totals:   receive 0, send 0
     packet drops:  receive 0, send 0

JunOS config and output

unit 518 {
     description "blahblah";
     encapsulation vlan-ccc;
     vlan-id 518;

neighbor X.X.Y.125 {
     interface ge-0/3/0.518 {
         virtual-circuit-id 803;
         description "blahblah";

     Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
     ge-0/3/0.518(vc 803)      rmt   Up     Apr  5 14:39:41 2007           1
       Local interface: ge-0/3/0.518, Status: Up, Encapsulation: VLAN
       Remote PE: X.X.Y.125, Negotiated control-word: No
       Incoming label: 794085, Outgoing label: 38
         Time                  Event                   Interface/Lbl/PE
         Apr  5 14:39:41 2007  status update timer
         Apr  5 14:39:39 2007  PE route changed
         Apr  5 14:39:39 2007  Out lbl Update                        38
         Apr  5 14:39:39 2007  In lbl Update                     794085
         Apr  5 14:39:39 2007  loc intf up                 ge-0/3/0.518

LDP session comes up ... it works with ethernet-vlan configurations but 
the second I try on vlan interfaces, I get that

thanks for the help.

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