> > No, that should result in "policed discards", not "L3 incompletes".
> > This commonly shows up when the neighbor is from Brand-C and has
> > cdp enabled.  :)
Well, I have come across increase in L3 incomplete errors previously when
testing with a M320 connected back to back on Ethernet to another router. On
the other end of the interface, I had LDP / OSPF enabled while it was
disabled on the M320 end of the interface. I did see L3 incompletes increase
consistently which disappeared once I  disabled LDP / OSPF on the other end

If I remember correctly, the other end was connected to a M40e :)


2008/6/13 Paul Goyette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > > No, that should result in "policed discards", not "L3 incompletes".
> > > This commonly shows up when the neighbor is from Brand-C and has
> > > cdp enabled.  :)
> > >
> >
> > I'm hesitant to attempt to correct anyone with a
> > "juniper.net" address, but I'm not sure this is entirely
> > true.  Discarded OSPF packets should show up as layer 3, not
> > layer 2, so I don't believe policed discards counts in this
> > situation.  It is correct that CDP/LLDP/VTP/etc. will show up
> > as policed discards.
> HeHeHe!  Just cuz I'm from Juniper doesn't mean I'm always right!
> You are correct, Eric, the OSPF packets would be NEITHER "L3
> incomplete" nor "Policed discard".
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