Hi Brendan,

 Are you sure you have a valid route to these destinations and/or your
lo0.0 filter doesn't block NTP requests?


On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Brendan Mannella
> Hello,
> I am trying to use the command, ³ set date ntp² on my M7i to update the
> clock, but no matter what time server I try I get the below errors... Does
> anyone have any ideas?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> set date ntp time-a.nist.gov
> 25 Jun 09:12:54 ntpdate[7535]: no server suitable for synchronization found
> user@ router> set date ntp time-b.nist.gov
> 25 Jun 09:13:09 ntpdate[7547]: no server suitable for synchronization found
> user@ router> set date ntp north-america.pool.ntp.org
> 25 Jun 09:16:14 ntpdate[7559]: no server suitable for synchronization found
> user@ router> set date ntp otc1.psu.edu
> 25 Jun 09:19:46 ntpdate[7571]: no server suitable for synchronization found
> user@ router> set date ntp clock.nyc.he.net
> 25 Jun 09:20:24 ntpdate[7583]: no server suitable for synchronization found
> And in the messages log...
> Jun 25 09:13:09   xntpd[4271]: ntpd 4.2.0-a Fri Apr 25 07:34:52 UTC 2008 (1)
> Jun 25 09:13:09  mgd[7499]: UI_CHILD_EXITED: Child exited: PID 7540, status
> 1, command '/usr/libexec/ui/ntp-date'
> Jun 25 09:16:14   xntpd[4271]: ntpd exiting on signal 1
> Jun 25 09:16:14   xntpd[4271]: ntpd 4.2.0-a Fri Apr 25 07:34:52 UTC 2008 (1)
> Jun 25 09:16:14   mgd[7499]: UI_CHILD_EXITED: Child exited: PID 7552, status
> 1, command '/usr/libexec/ui/ntp-date'
> Jun 25 09:19:46  xntpd[4271]: ntpd exiting on signal 1
> Jun 25 09:19:46  xntpd[4271]: ntpd 4.2.0-a Fri Apr 25 07:34:52 UTC 2008 (1)
> Jun 25 09:19:46  mgd[7499]: UI_CHILD_EXITED: Child exited: PID 7564, status
> 1, command '/usr/libexec/ui/ntp-date'
> Jun 25 09:20:24  xntpd[4271]: ntpd exiting on signal 1
> Jun 25 09:20:24  xntpd[4271]: ntpd 4.2.0-a Fri Apr 25 07:34:52 UTC 2008 (1)
> Jun 25 09:20:24  mgd[7499]: UI_CHILD_EXITED: Child exited: PID 7576, status
> 1, command '/usr/libexec/ui/ntp-date'
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