On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 18:16 +0100, Juniper Iber-x wrote:
> I have the platform showing:
> SSB platform (200/266Mhz PPC 603e processor, 128MB memory, 256KB flash)
> SSB0(vty)# show memory   
> ID      Base   Total(b)    Free(b)    Used(b)   %   Name
> --  --------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---  -----------
>  0    36b9c8  122242616   39197716   83044900   67  Kernel
>  1  97800000    8388608    4539052    3849556   45  Uncached
> And I haven't  got any more routing-instances running...

You have a logical router with a full table.  You say so in your
original post.  Did I misunderstand?  Paste the output of the below

u...@junos> show pfe route summary

Jeff S Wheeler <j...@inconcepts.biz> +1-212-981-0607
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

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