On Friday 13 March 2009 02:22:26 am Tore Anderson wrote:

> I'll have to monitor the memory utilisation on the
> routers for a few more days before I can be certain that
> we've nailed the bug, though, but I'm feeling optimistic.
>  You'll probably want to try disabling the process
> yourself.  Let me know how it goes!

So it looks like we've arrested further growth in RE memory 
utilization. Clearly, a reboot would be needed to reclaim 
what's been wasted, but what's key is that it's not running 
amok anymore :-).

The question is whether the reboot will be to downgrade to 
9.3R2.8, upgrade to the next 9.4 release that fixes this 
issue or stick to this release. We're more inclined to the 
latter options as 9.4 fixes the traceroute bug seen in MPLS-
based BGP-free cores.

Thanks to you, JTAC and all the others that helped in 
working on this issue.



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