I'm pretty new to Juniper, so please forgive any blatant missteps in terminology.

I've got a requirement to build three sites using SSG5s. The three sites will all have dual WAN - PPPoE DSL and DHCP cable. We will be using provider space for the dual WANs, so we won't be using our own IP space, BGP or anything of the like; only static routing to 0/0 to one of the two WANs.

The three sites will be meshed with LAN to LAN IPSec tunnels. I understand I'll need to build two meshes on each device; one for each WAN circuit because they will both have two different WAN IPs.

Can the SSG5 intelligently sense that a WAN link is broken and failover to the other? In the DSL and Cable worlds, rarely is an outage caused by a hard link failure, rather something in between causing traffic to stop. Can the SSG5 detect outages such as this and make a decision to fail over? Can it also make the same determination in order to fail back once the primary WAN link has been restored? If I have two IPSec meshes, can SSG's do any sort of IPSec WAN tracking so the only one mesh is up at at time?
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