I am the only person with access to the switches, and I have not committed
any new config in days.

On 5/26/09 3:36 PM, "Ross Vandegrift" <r...@kallisti.us> wrote:

> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 02:18:25PM -0400, Brendan Mannella wrote:
>> just wondering if anyone else has experienced any issues with EX
>> switches and ae bundles.
> Very much so.
>> For no reason the bundle has been flapping at random, a few times
>> per day. The physical interfaces never flap, just the bundle.
> Can you find any relation to config commits?  I once saw a VC develop a
> problem where any commits caused aggregated ethernet devices to flap,
> though the individual member interfaces did not flap.
> I was able to resolve this issue by changing the LACP mode fast and
> then back to default.  My feeling is that restarting lacp should've
> fixed it as well, but that's not the tact that JTAC wants to take on
> the issue.
>> All switches are running 9.5R1.8
> Everyone that I've talked to inside Juniper has suggest JUNOS 9.3R3 as
> the suggested version for all of my deployments, but all of my EX
> boxes are 4200 virtual chassis.
> --
> Ross Vandegrift
> r...@kallisti.us
> "If the fight gets hot, the songs get hotter.  If the going gets tough,
> the songs get tougher."
> --Woody Guthrie

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