On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 03:36:47PM -0400, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> > All switches are running 9.5R1.8 
> Everyone that I've talked to inside Juniper has suggest JUNOS 9.3R3 as
> the suggested version for all of my deployments, but all of my EX
> boxes are 4200 virtual chassis.

I'll definitely second 9.3R3 as the recommended code for production ISP
use on M/T/MX. I've been chasing a rather extensive bug list for quite a
while (including some long standing 1+ year old cases), and this is the
first production release which has resolved all my serious issues
without breaking anything new in literally years. 

I wouldn't extend that recommendation to EX though. Basically you should
treat EX as an entirely different animal. It shipped with most of the
interesting features either not implemented or very broken, and they've
been coding their asses off to fix (or finish) it ever since. On EX you
really are chasing the bleeding edge because thats where all the work is
being done, vs older more mature platforms. In my testing, EX wasn't
even worth keeping power on in the lab until 9.4R2. 9.5 adds another
healthy dose of EX features, but there is a serious bug in 9.5R1 that
basically makes it unusable if you use commit scripts, so that might not
be the way to wanna go. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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