On Saturday 23 January 2010 10:22:21 pm Muhammad Aamir 

> We are planning to go with IPv6; currently we have all
>  Junipers in the Core. I just want to know does juniper
>  supports all features related to IPv6. Anybody faced any
>  problem while configuring IPv6 on their Juniper routers.
>  Does JUNOS (version 9.4) have any bug related to IPv6? 
>  All comments are really appreciated.

Feature parity between v4 and v6 is probably one of the 
stickiest issues when it comes to vendor support for the 

Since it's relatively tedious to confirm that all features 
delivered for v4 have equal support for v6 (bugs and other 
such nonesense notwithstanding), my advice would be; list 
down all your current v4 features and wish lists, prioritize 
them based on importance and check for equivalent support 
for v6 (you would do well not to expect 100% parity). You 
should know how best to proceed, vis-a-vis your environment, 
from there.

Even though it's a couple of days away, I have the most 
confidence in JUNOS 9.5R4 (if that is of any use, hehe).



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