On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 07:22:21PM +0500, Muhammad Aamir wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> We are planning to go with IPv6; currently we have all Junipers in the
> Core. I just want to know does juniper supports all features related
> to IPv6. Anybody faced any problem while configuring IPv6 on their
> Juniper routers. Does JUNOS (version 9.4) have any bug related to
> IPv6?  All comments are really appreciated.

Well, that's a pretty non-specific question, but off the top of my head 
I'd say that IPv6 works extremely well on Juniper with the following 

* I've heard reports of issues load balancing IPv6 traffic over ae's on
older platforms (M20s and the like). I don't know exactly what platforms
are affected, but it seems likely that everything pre M320/T-series
would have the same issue. The older PFEs don't seem to be able to hash
on inet6 addresses, so all the v6 traffic from a single mac lands on a
single ae member.

* Juniper does something weird with next-hop self, which causes a lot of
grief when you want to do ipv4/ipv6 dual stack. Basically the problems
is there isn't an "update-source <interface>" option like Cisco has, so
the next-hop self value is taken from the local address of the BGP
session rather than from any particular interface. So when you carry 
ipv4+piv6 AFIs over a single IBGP session (using for example an IPv4 
address as transport), and you do a next-hop self, it sets the v6 
nexthop to ::i.p.v.4 rather than a proper v6 address. You can avoid 
setting next-hop self in most cases, but it's pretty hard to avoid when 
you're doing prefix origination. IMHO the easiest way to work around 
this is just to make an ::i.p.v.4 alias on your lo0 and carry both 
values in your IGP, but it's something to keep in mind.

* IPv6 support is currently nonexistant on the EX8200-series platforms, 
with varying dates mentioned for when it will finally be added (some of 
the worst ones being 2011 :P). Why they even bothered shipping this box 
without IPv6 support I can't imagine, but for whatever reason they did.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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