On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 12:30:30PM -0400, Paul Stewart wrote:
> Hi there..
> I have a couple of applications pop up recently where I think a
> J-Series might suffice for BGP peering.  The application is a small
> peering POP doing about 200Mb/s of traffic, about 50 BGP peers, and
> total routes is roughly 4000 total.

In our experience w/J-series running the old/regular JUNOS (can't speak
to JUNOS-ES, which is really more of an integration of security features
to make J-series a mini-SRX), this would probably be a bad idea (I'm
assuming you mean more than 4000 routes, since you mention 400k later in
the email). We evaluated J-series for use as route reflectors, and found
that they suffer GREATLY from the ye olde slow rib/fib installation bug. 
What might take a few minutes to install under extraordinary conditions
like coming up from a fresh restart on M/T/MX could take 30 minutes to
in some cases HOURS to install on J-series. When I asked Juniper people
about it, they basically said "we don't really support/recommend
J-series for this application, and the software is heavily optimized 
towards providing packet forwarding performance at the expense of bgp 
performance". Of course they said that AFTER we spent money on those 
stupid route reflector software licenses, which they continue to sell 
even though the box is completely unusable as a route reflector. :)

YMMV but on J-series running JUNOS as of 9.3R4 the only words I can use
to describe loading up a lot of bgp routes/neighbors is "epic disaster". 
Maybe JUNOS-ES is better or different or something, I dunno.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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