I'm trying to do something similar to the example here:


Using a community tag on an l2circuit and a install-nexthop lsp-regex
policy to control which LSPs get used for transport customers. The goal
is to make dedicated LSPs for l2circuits, and have them be completely
separate from the LSPs used for regular IP traffic.

But in this example, it doesn't say anything about how to keep the
regular IP traffic-engineering/shortcuts routes from load balancing with
the transport LSPs, which it wants to do by default. I tried changing
the preference on the transport LSPs to make them less preferred, but 
install-nexthop doesn't seem to actually do anything to block the other
non-matching LSPs being being used, so with the better preference they
still end up being selected by the l2ckts.

I tried using the "install-nexthop except", but it didn't quite work
like I expected either. The documentation on it says "To prevent the
installation of any matching next hops, include the install-nexthop
statement with the except option:", so I figured you might need to
explicitly block the other LSPs using it. If you try to put the "except"
in the same term as the match, it combined them all into a single
statement like so:

    from community TRANSPORT_GOLD;
    then {
        install-nexthop lsp-regex TRANSPORT-.*-GOLD except IP-.*;

And it doesn't seem to actually do anything (the regular IP LSPs are 
still being used). I also tried it in a different term, like so:

    then {
        install-nexthop except lsp-regex "^IP.*";
    from community TRANSPORT_GOLD;
    then {
        install-nexthop lsp-regex TRANSPORT-.*-GOLD;

But it doesn't work either. What am I missing here? I'm hoping there is
something simple and elegant I'm missing short of having to a no-install
on all of the regular LSPs, then match everything without the transport
communities and install them to lsp-regexp IP.*.

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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