On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 09:38:21AM +0200, sth...@nethelp.no wrote:
> > Guess you never had a heavily configured M10 or M20 if you think that 20
> > seconds is a long time to commit. I'll admit that I have gotten spoiled
> > by the speed of the MX series, though.
> Yup - but how long will it stay that way? Juniper seems to be adding
> more BRAS capabilities to the MX all the time, and that probably also
> means it will handle nice loooong BRAS config files.

With a healthy dose of complex commit scripts you can get an MX commit
time up to 20 seconds in no time flat. Well at least you could, I
noticed they did something in 9.6 to make it a lot faster (at least for
me, with commit sync, etc). EX on the other hand can get to a 30 sec
config with half the number of commit scripts and a much smaller config.
Of course if you really want suffering try SRX, which takes 30 seconds
to commit a nearly blank config. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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