That is correct. 

Just to summarize, there are 2 things needed to get this FRF.16 working

- M20 needs a hardware based Services PIC to create ls- or lsq- interfaces
- ML PIC which you currently have in your M20 can only do MLPPP and FRF.15
  style MLFR. Hence you will need either LS PIC or AS/AS2 PIC to do FRF.16.


On 7/8/10 5:04 PM, "Jim Lucas" <> wrote:

> Nilesh Khambal wrote:
>> I think Multilink PIC does not support FRF.16 configuration ( mlfr-uni-nni
>> bundle or multiple DLCIs in a single bundle). You will need LS PIC or AS/AS2
>> PIC (with Layer-2 package) to do that. If you need it only for Layer2
>> purpose you can also go for AS-2 Layer 2 Services only PIC.
> So, you are saying that since this is an M20 I cannot do this in software,
> that
> I must have a physical device (equivalent to the multilink in fpc 2 pic 0) to
> perform the service of the FRF.16?
> Thanks for the information.
>> The current ML PIC in your router will only support FRF.15 (One DLCI per
>> Bundle).
>> Thanks,
>> Nilesh

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