On 2010-07-22, at 3:13 PM, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 01:49:55PM -0400, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
>> I'm trying to test some C to J EoMPLS interoperability, but the only J 
>> box that I have doesn't have any free interfaces on it, so I have 
>> nowhere to connect a test CE and use the CE to ping the far end.  Is 
>> there any way to stick a subnet on to an l2circuit directly instead of 
>> having to use a physical interface and a physical CE?
> You can't configure IP on it directly, but I've done this same kind of 
> thing with a logical tunnel interface instead of a physical loopback. 
> Either way you need to steal a port or have a tunnel pic, so it doesn't 
> help you much. :)

I should probably clarify that C and J refer to Cisco and Juniper, not J series 
Juniper boxen :)  The J[uniper] in question is actually an M120.
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