On Friday, July 23, 2010 03:26:26 pm Pavel Lunin wrote:

> Mark, how about to open a new thread on this?

You'll have to forgive my vagueness as we're currently 
deploying this in our network, and a lot of the stuff we're 
doing, with vendors and internally, is off-limits for now 

> Actually, who is not a fan of MPLS access? But the
> question is how actually to build it and will it be
> competitive. Lots of people here in Russia (being  fans
> of MPLS access :) managed to build huge rings of
> something like 3750ME and use x-connect for everywhere.
> Not sure if this is what you are a fan of :)
> What is the smallest and cheapest device in your
> experience, which supports real MPLS like 2-labeled
> PWE3, VPLS and L3VPN? How about wire-speed performance
> for, say, 24x1GE SFP and couple of 10GE uplinks? Is it
> really competitive with other technologies? I am really
> interested if someone can share this experience. What
> size of network scale we talk about, which services it
> provides?

You're asking the right questions. But as you allude, 
current hardware is problematic, at best, when used to 
extend MPLS into the access. A number of challenges to 
overcome, scale to worry about, price-point, e.t.c.

We're addressing a number of these through architecture and 
vendor interaction. That's all about I can say, really.

We're currently deploying, and hopefully, should have some 
useful operator feedback at your next favorite operator 
meeting (hope we'll both be there). 



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