On Sat, Aug 07, 2010 at 06:46:03AM -0700, Bill Blackford wrote:
> I just received a pair, individually set the root-auth and sys login 
> info, then attached VCP cables, powered back up and as stated had to 
> create the config. Interfaces on the second FPC.
> As a side note: I also noticed that these shipped with 10.1R1.8. 
> Just three months ago, another set shipped with 9.2 something.

Yay.  I was getting sick of having to deal with 9.2:

For each unit:

1. Do not install, or remove an already installed EX-UM-2X4SFP uplink 
module (not supported on 9.2 and hangs interface-control daemon-->no 
me0 or vme interface works in this condition).

2. Power on, assign vme address, root-auth, ssh.

3. Copy code and upgrade switch.

4. (re-)install EX-UM-2X4SFP.

5. Only after this attempt to stack the units into a VC.
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