On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Chris Evans <chrisccnpsp...@gmail.com>wrote:

> My question is what is the purpose of using a security device for pure
> routing purposes???   Why not just buy a router?

It seems like the point was for it to be both a router and a security
device.  They can boast about an ethernet based routing platform cheaper
than the MX80 in some cases as well as a security platform that runs JunOS.
 Most of the security features do not run in the "routing" mode and vice
versa, so you decide what you want it to do before you deploy.  It seems the
extra abilities would only come in handy if you were looking to repurpose
the box from one function to another. I suppose there's also a certain wow
factor as well.  I remember all the buzz before they came out about the MPLS
enabled firewall.  Things like being able to bring in connections over
ethernet and IPSEC all on the same box while doing stateful packet
inspection and such.
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