On Mon, 29 Nov 2010, Deric Kwok wrote:

Thanks for all reply

1/ for the | no-more
It seems it is not working

get config | no-more
                                   ^---------unknown keyword no-more

The command I gave you was to view the configuration of a JUNOS device from its command line. I don't know what version of JUNOS the "no-more" option was introduced in, but I think it's been around for a while. It looks like maybe that got confused with the steps to get the config remotely using SFTP.

You did not specify if the device in question was running JUNOS, ScreenOS, or something else, so since you asked about Juniper routers, I assumed JUNOS.

2/ How can I increase the line in putty? I can't find it in the setting

Not sure - I don't use putty very much. I'd imagine the docs for putty would tell you how to do this.

3/ How can I enable http in router?

4/ Any command can show the firewall status?
I only know that ipfw -a list in freebsd

3 & 4: Again, are you dealing with a JUNOS device or something else? If it's not a JUNOS device, I'm afraid I can't provide much help, as I don't have any Netscreens here.

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