On 21/01/11 23:02, Timo Mallas wrote:
> It would be great if somebody who has got some experience with this could
> shed a little light on frequency (and ToD/phase) synchronization protocol
> like Sync-E and 1588v2 support on Juniper equipment? 
> A customer of ours is considering to migrante from legacy SDH network to
> IP/MPLS Ethernet network. At the moment IP/MPLS parti s clear, no problems
> there .. what's missing is synchronization part. I'm more or less aware of
> options Cisco is offering, but it would be nice to see if Juniper can offer
> something competitive as well J .. any input will be highly appreciated. 

Have you actually figured out exactly what needs timing?

Unless it's Cellular, DOCSIS, or SDH/PDH tunnels you shouldn't need it,
and for all of those AFAIK you can use local clocks.

Juniper did add sync-e support to the MX80 (modular version only) in
10.4, and they have better then average timing, but not sync-e or PTP in
the BX line.

Don't see any big likelihood of PTP support soon given that it's only
accurate on the LAN scale and not much better then NTP once it's gone a
few hops.

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