cool, thanks for that!  I was pulling that information later in the script
anyway, might as well do it earlier.  Thanks!

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Curtis Call <> wrote:

> > I'm writing an event-script based on RPM threshold exceeds/failures and
> > can't seem to find the passed attributes anywhere.  I found "{$$.test-
> > name}"
> > online, but nothing else.  I'm looking for the rtt-jitter and rrt-max-
> > delay values so I can pass them to the script.  Anyone out there know
> > them or know how I can find them?
> >
> "help syslog" will tell you what attributes are available for a particular
> event, but it might be that Junos simply isn't sending that particular
> information through the event itself, in which case you could always request
> it by performing the appropriate "show rpm" command via jcs:invoke().
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