
Interesting comments. We've just finished a full suite of tests on an MX960 Lab 
box running combo DPC (4x10G & 40x1G) and MPC (20x1G and 2x10G MIC) on 10.4R4. 
We uncovered a few bugs during the testing. Most notable:

-DPC R-Q ports report passed + dropped traffic under "show int" when using a 
with a shaper. "show int queue" has the correct data. Known bug.
-We use a common templates VPLS BUM policer. Normally when it's applied to 
sub-interfaces on a port, each sub-interface (VLAN) gets it's own instance and 
polices traffic independently. Under MPC cards, all VLANs share the same 
instance. JTAC case pending.

Other than that, things seem to be working OK. Thanks for the heads up.


----- Original Message ----
From: Mark Tinka <mti...@globaltransit.net>
To: juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net; Serge Vautour <se...@nbnet.nb.ca>
Cc: Richard A Steenbergen <r...@e-gerbil.net>
Sent: Fri, June 3, 2011 1:04:09 PM
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] MX80 Opinions

On Friday, June 03, 2011 11:31:51 PM Serge Vautour wrote:

> Would it be possible for you to share what code version
> you recommend for Trio? We've had a few MX80s in Prod
> with 10.2S6 for a while now. We need to add MPC cards to
> our MX960s and are struggling what version to go with.
> Continue with 10.2 or move to 10.4? We're also planning
> on adding alot more MX80s.

For the chassis-based MX's, we've generally found happiness 
in staying current for Junos 10.4 (now at 10.4R4.5). This 
has fixed random PFE crashes, FPC reboots, e.t.c., since the 
boxes shipped with 10.4R1.

We're actively staying away from Junos 11 for now.

One thing to think seriously about is whether you're going 
to run your MX's with a mixture of DPC's and MPC's. 
Depending on which features you need to turn on, you may not 
be able to boot DPC cards if you have MPC's installed as 

I'd seriously suggest checking with your SE before turning 
up any features if you're going to mix DPC's and MPC's, or 
if certain features for the MPC's "seem" kinky. We've had 
too much pain for some items.



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