
thank you.

What I try to do is to simulate an unidirectionnal link failure (for OAM LFM 
tests). So I'm not sure that there is a way to disable ALS. 


De : Ben Dale [bd...@comlinx.com.au]
Date d'envoi : mardi 28 juin 2011 12:46
Cc : juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net
Objet : Re: [j-nsp] ALS on Juniper

On 28/06/2011, at 7:24 PM, <david....@orange-ftgroup.com> 
<david....@orange-ftgroup.com> wrote:
> Do you know if Junos provides ALS (Automatic Laser Shutdown) configuration ? 
> Like Cisco 
> (http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/routers/7600/install_config/ES40_config_guide/es40_chap11.pdf)

I can only vouch for the EX platform, but in some testing I did a while back it 
would appear that yanking a single core from an SFP takes the transmitter down 
on both sides.  A log message is also generated that lets you know that RX has 
fallen below a certain threshold and the transmitter is being shut down.  No 
configuration is required to make this happen.

I suspect this would be reliant on you using Juniper "certified" optics though 
as you'd need digital diagnostics.

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