Good to know. Since I replied to a number of people privately about LFM in 
JUNOS, I should also mention that we ran into a major issue with LFM last 
Friday. Just spent the last 5 days working with ATAC and Engineering on this. 
Short story is, do not deploy LFM if you have the following combination in your 

1. VRF using vrf-table-label
2. M320 PE with a 1-port 10GE XENPAK PIC used as an upstream interface
3. I-Chip FPC for the above mentioned 10GE PIC

If you have this combo, either remove vrf-table-label, or don't deploy LFM. 
This is broke in all JUNOS versions. :)


On Aug 16, 2011, at 10:06 AM, <> 
<> wrote:

> ________________________________________
> De : 
> [] de la part de Rafael Rodriguez 
> []
> Date d'envoi : vendredi 29 juillet 2011 22:08
> À : Daniel Verlouw
> Cc : Juniper Puck
> Objet : Re: [j-nsp] ECMP vs LAG and OAM vs BFD
> FYI list,
> OAM LFM (802.3ah) appears to be supported in Junos 11.1 for Trio/MPC (I've
> yet to test this).
> On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 7:22 AM, Daniel Verlouw <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 22:14, Stefan Fouant
>> <> wrote:
>>> Regarding BFD's capabilities to determine member state of individual
>> member
>>> links, this is not currently supported by BFD.  Take a look at IETF Draft
>>> 'Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Interface' which was just
>>> released a few weeks ago. It is designed to meet these requirements -
>> IOS XR (at least on the ASR9k) supports BFD over individual member
>> links. Saw it in the lab, seemed to work fine. Not sure if it's
>> implementation is based on this draft though, or if it's a proprietary
>> one.
>> --Daniel.
>> _______________________________________________
>> juniper-nsp mailing list
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