
On 24.08.2011 09:12, Thomas Eichhorn wrote:
Hi all,

I just discussed the following with my SE:

I wanted to get new 64Bit REs with some new gear,
but run the 32-Bit JunOS on them - he denied that
this is possible.

I tried to research that, but have not yet found
something in the docs - does anybody here have some clue
about that?

As the REs are 'only' standard PCs, I do not see any reason
for them to be not capable of running 'legacy' 32Bit JunOS.

I would be really glad if someone has some clue about that and
could unearth the truth.

We are in the same situation, and have received the same -disappointing- answer from our SE.

I've just given this a quick try on a MX running 10.4S1.1 (64bit) with RE-S-1800X4-16G, and it seems it is not possible to get 32bit JunOS installed using a jinstall image.

jresch@testlab-RR03-re0> request system software add no-validate reboot re1 /var/tmp/jinstall-11.2R1.10-domestic-signed.tgz
Pushing bundle to re1
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-11.2R1.10-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-11.2R1.10-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_11_2_0
Adding jinstall...
ERROR: Package jinstall is not compatible - i386 vs {amd64}
ERROR: jinstall fails requirements check
ERROR: jinstall-11.2R1.10-domestic-signed fails post-install
Installation failed for package '/var/tmp/jinstall-11.2R1.10-domestic-signed.tgz'

Interestingly, on T640/T1600 32bit JunOS _is_ supported on
a 64bit RE-DUO-C1800-8G.
These REs will also support 64bit JunOS in the future.

Both REs types use Intel Xeon CPUs.
So I would assume the limitation on MX is non-technical.

RE-DUO-C1800-8G has
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5215  @ 1.86GHz (1862.01-MHz 686-class CPU)

RE-S-1800X4-16G has
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU C5518  @ 1.73GHz (1729.11-MHz K8-class CPU)

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