
I work at SRC Juniper product and today I see a new error with this product.

* SSP[TrackingQueue-1] [FlexibleRadiusTrackingPluginEventListener]
[50] Could not send out the accounting packet since Failed to evaluate the
value expression for attribute id 5 : Traceback (innermost last):   File
"/opt/UMC/sae/lib/flexRadius.py", line 10, in eval_result   File
"/opt/UMC/sae/lib/radius.py", line 34, in cached_eval   File "<string>",
line 1, in ? TypeError: getNasPort(): expected 0 args; got 2

This error show me at all time and I don't get type any command on this

Somebody can help me to fix this error or stop this logging on screen?

Best Regards.

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