On 10/26/2011 02:07 AM, Robert Raszuk wrote:
> Chris,
> Have you read draft-ietf-grow-simple-va-04 ? There is nothing in the
> draft nor in the implementation reg "route to the left".

it's a joke, essentially: "Remove lots of granularity, make someone else
in the network more capable of handling the granularity decide where to
route things" ('someone else' is hopefully inside your routing-domain,
since you won't want to hand traffic off to an external party to just
re-accept it on the same port :) )

> As described to Shane semantically this is identical in default
> behaviour as installing all prefixes into RIB and FIB. However I would
> argue that if you do it within the POP you can do much better savings
> that the default behavior. But this is perhaps out of scope of this
> thread ;-)

right, all of the 'remove granularity' solutions can be modeled all the
way from: "Drop all the /24's" to "Drop everything except the
manufactured 0/0"... Depending on the spin you want to induce you talk
about one side of the pendulum swing or the other.

As I've said in the grow-wg sessions several times (and at nanog and
other places) VA, and other solutions like it, may be fine in some
deployments, they may even save you some cycle time on RP/RE/linecards,
each operator that uses these solutions needs to decide for themselves
what level of loss in granularity is acceptable and on which platforms
in their network they will still need to carry full routes in rib + fib.


> Cheers,
> R.
>> On 10/25/2011 10:09 PM, Mark Tinka wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 05:12:09 AM Richard A
>>> Steenbergen wrote:
>>>> c) Vendors would much rather sell you new cards wih more
>>>> FIB capacity than find a way to implement a "free"
>>>> solution in software (big shocker, I know). :)
>>> I've been chatting with a major vendor about their interest
>>> in implementing S-VA:
>>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-grow-simple-va-04
>> 'route to the left' ... you can do this today, VA only wraps a
>> 'protocol' and (maybe) 'operational modality' around 'route to the left'.
>>> There may be hope yet.
>> sure, 'route to the left' (tm: schil...@uu.net)
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