Hi Gabriel and thank you for the reply,

On 9. dec. 2011, at 18:52, Gabriel Blanchard wrote:

> We have simple filters configured on our 10Gbps as well on our DPCs and can 
> definitely push more than 8gbps. Though mostly in one direction. Are you 
> saying it's limited to 8gbps in both directions?
Yes, in both directions. It was just a test traffic. Symmetric, 10 G in, 10 G 

- filter deactivated
 Input rate     : 9751115112 bps (820248 pps)
 Output rate    : 9806344680 bps (824894 pps)

- output filter activated (input filter has no influence)
 Input rate     : 9751087040 bps (820246 pps)
 Output rate    : 7983243704 bps (671537 pps)
                  drop to 8 Gb/s

- filter configuration:
term test {
   then accept;

> I'm curious to know which Junos version you are running.

> Gabriel Blanchard
> Director, Information Technology
> TekSavvy Solutions
> On 11-12-09 10:09 AM, Matjaž Straus Istenič wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> we've tested the throughput of a 10G interface on a DPCE 4x10GE R running in 
>> MX960. We've loaded the interface with almost 10 Gb/s of traffic in both 
>> directions and it work fine with no loss until an output filter was 
>> activated on the interface. Then the traffic dropped to 8 Gb/s flat.
>> A filter that caused that could be as simple as a single accept term. Input 
>> filter doesn't have any impact, only output filter does.
>> Only one logical interface was involved in the tests. Traffic flows in and 
>> out through the same interface.
>> We have a JTAC case opened on this (since september 2011). Latest news from 
>> them: we tested this on 1 gig interface and it works fine (!?). Nice, it 
>> might work on 100 meg also ;-).
>> Has anybody on the list run into something similar (not talking about the 
>> support, but the effect of the outbound firewall filter on a 10 GE interface 
>> ;-))?
>> Kind regards,
>>      Matjaž

Matjaž Straus Istenič, Arnes

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