W dniu 29.02.2012 14:26, Brandon Ross pisze:
> On Wed, 29 Feb 2012, �ukasz Dudzi�ski wrote:
>> Do you have some experience with that type of SFP on MX80 platform ? If
>> it is supported on MX80 (by 'supported' I mean - it's working, not that
>> I can get support from JTAC in that type of SFP issues), what kind of
>> SFP you have ? Original, Juniper signed (designed for other
>> router/switch series) or third party ?
> Check the list archives, we JUST discussed the use of 3rd party optics a
> week or so ago.

I did it already. The topic you have mentioned does not cover the
essence of my question. I've asked for that specific SFP (100Base-LX10),
not for using third party optics at all. The problem is that I don't
know if it is possible to use 100Base-LX10 optics in MX80, because
Juniper documentation does not mention about 100Base-LX10 SFP. There is
a note regarding 100Base-FX (FE on MMF), but no 100Base-LX10 (FE on SMF).

Łukasz Dudziński

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