Am 09.08.2012 17:13, schrieb Nicolaj Kamensek:


Since only routed traffic is affected, one might safely asume that this
is not related to the switching hardware. The link itself can't be the
cause as well. It's furthermore unlikely that the router itself is
broken since everything coming from the cisco works fine.

Just to mention that: routed traffic might be externally or internally,
it doesn't make a difference.

not all routed traffic is affected, it seems to be just a few servers but there is no pattern ibvious yet. Since the affected servers didn't show this behaviour 2 days ago before we changed the router configuration to L2 + L3, it is very likely that this is related to this somehow. Before that, the router was just a router and the switches were connected with each other - just the Cisco was connected to the router.

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