On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 08:16:42AM +0200, Robert Hass wrote:
> Hi
> I need to transport VLAN (switch / bridge) from port xe-0/0/1 (unit
> 200) to port xe-0/0/2 (unit 200) on MX80.
> It it possible ? If yes can anyone paste configuration for this task.
> Can I enable QinQ for this VLAN also ?
> BTW. I'm running 10.4S10

You can try doing a simple circuit-cross-connect since there are only
two local ports involved.  I /think/ QinQ should transparently pass
through this--just make sure your MTU is large enough.  You can also
have other units on these same interfaces doing routing or CCC as
well.  I last used this on M-series ca. 8.5, so YMMV on MX80 and more
modern code.

interfaces {
    xe-0/0/1 {
        description A;
        mtu 1600;
        encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services;
        unit 200 {
            encapsulation vlan-ccc;
            vlan-id 200;
            family ccc;
    xe-0/0/2 {
        description B;
        mtu 1600;
        encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services;
        unit 200 {
            encapsulation vlan-ccc;
            vlan-id 200;
            family ccc;
protocols {
    connections {
        interface-switch A-CCC-B {
            interface xe-0/0/1.200;
            interface xe-0/0/2.200;
    mpls {
        interface all;
        interface fxp0.0 {
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