Hi Jahangir,
 I recently up-graded the IDP OS to *5.1r3* and it did up-grade without any
problem. But I used the OS file with shell script (.sh file) as shown below
instead of .iso file. You can download it from Juniper website (I suppose
you are Juniper partner or customer and have access to download as well as
to KB) as it is easy and recommended.
sensor_5_1r3.sh *

You need to make sure that you transfer the above file to "*/tmp*" of the
IDP after doing cheksum and by using either WinScp or FTP in binary mode or
file gets corrupted while copying and gives error while up-grading. You can
google how to transfer/copy files using WinScp/FTP in binary mode.

After up-grade to 5.1r3 it looked like below.

*IDP01 ~]# scio getsystem**
Product Name:  NS-IDP-8200
Serial Number:  xxxxxxxxxx
Software Version:  5.1.139197
IDP Mode:  transparent
HA Mode:  Enabled
Detector Version:  5.1.110110809
Software License:   Permanent
Software Expiration Date:   never*

Let me give you the steps to up-grade as well, just as a reference.

1. When you transfer the *.sh* file to the IDP via WinScp make sure that in

We were facing the error of md5 checksum. We resolved it by the following


2. Open the CLI either SSH (the device may lose connection during the
reboot) or Console access (console is much better option).

3. Run the command

*# sh sensor_5_1r3.sh*

This starts the upgrade process after which it would be rebooted and may
take up to 30 minutes. In case you are have opened an SSH connection, you
may initiate a continuous ping to the device so as to when the device comes

4. After the upgrade, open the ACM and then click on ACM--> View/Apply
Current configuration and apply these changes.

To run the ACM do "https" access to the device.


On the ACM, click save and apply configuration.

 Refer to release notes of 5.1R3


4. Open up the NSM right-click the device and Adjust OS version
If you are using NSM and managing the IDP from NSM then NSM version needs
to be compatible with *5.1R3*.

Also, if you are using a very old detector engine version then you may need
to update the detector engine. Please refer to KB9773 How to update the
detector version on IDP. The link for the same is as follows:


Best of luck!


On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Md. Jahangir Hossain <jrjahan...@yahoo.com>
> Dear friend;
> Wishes all are fine.
> I need your suggestion about update of  Juniper IDP 8200 OS.
> My current sensor versions is :
> [root@localhost ~]# cat /usr/idp/device/doc/VERSION
> 4.2.112811
> And want to update sensor_5_1r3.iso
> I burn this iso into usb or cdrom and try to install then get a message
> as like “unable to find Kicstart file “
> Can anyone inform or suggest me what is reason for this or this and how
> I can resolve this problem?
> Thanks
> jahangir
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