> > As for "high speed link to an EX" something along those lines has now
> > been announced as "Node Unifier" for FEX-like support.
> >
> >
> > It's a shame that the sum total of detail on that feature on Juniper's
> public website is two paragraphs that give very little detail on it.
> "
> Junos Node Unifier
> Junos Node Unifier is a platform clustering program for MX Series 3D
> Universal Edge Routers that centralizes management and automates device
> configuration to enable the connection of thousands of router and switch
> ports attached to MX.
> Junos Node Unifier enables the scaling of applications in the data center and
> large-scale mobile backhaul operations by supporting multiple connection
> types at optimal rates. It supports increased interface density for
> configurations such as port-fan-out, port-multiplexing, and L2 switching, for
> server port aggregation and L3/MPLS routing access on satellites, while
> retaining intelligent end device functionality to deliver rich services


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