On 06/12/12 17:14, Saku Ytti wrote:
On (2012-12-06 09:00 -0800), Michael Loftis wrote:

The biggest thing I miss over Cisco is VTP.  Managing VLAN's is a huge pain
without it when you've got dozens of switches that all need the same VLAN

VTP has ups and downs. Many people have broken network or two with VTP in
their time.
If your switch supports 4k VLAN ID, then pre-provisioning all VLAN at
installation time is in my opinion obvious correct solution.

If you support less than 4k but you need to support arbitrary ID value then
VTP can avoid need for VLAN provisioning system.

But then again, if you have JunOS and Junoscript, scripting a vlan add is pretty trivial and moreover, can be done reliably.
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