Hi folks..


We have a customer that has a Cisco 6500 - very old and they want to retire
it out of service (12+ years old).  The customer is a municipal fiber
provider and their main business is providing connectivity (vs providing


They have approached us about a Juniper replacement and I've been thinking
about EX series but looking for some input please.


Their requirements are what would seem fairly basic:


40-50 switch ports supporting up to 1G (all copper today as they use media
converters and wish to continue using them)

Dot1q support on each port (yup, easy enough)

Per port ingress and egress bandwidth control (rate limiting with burst)

Per VLAN ingress and egress bandwidth control (rate limiting on a per VLAN
basis with burst)


When I have looked at the EX2200,3300,4200 series (which I'm reasonably
familiar with) I don't see a way to do this.  Our Juniper SE says the issue
is ingress bandwidth control and that the rest of the criteria is easily


As they also would prefer and are also used to having a chassis level box
with power redundancy, switch processor redundancy etc then this has me
looking at EX6200/8200 series.  The EX6200 seems to be pretty much EX4200
"modules" so not sure if it solves my problem - thinking more towards EX8200
but not familiar enough to know if it will meet this criteria especially
ingress *and* egress per VLAN bandwidth controls.


Any thoughts are much appreciated ;)




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