Morgan McLean <> writes:

> Just curious what the smallest v6 advertisement providers will accept is
> these days? I've seen no smaller than /48 mentioned on various boards, but
> I see arin will allocate all the way down to /32. We currently have a /48,
> and I advertise the whole thing but I'm considering splitting it up among
> multiple sites.

Please do not split up smaller than /48. You will be heavily filtered.

If you have reasonable connectivity between sites, get something larger
than /48, perhaps /44 or even /32 if you are a hosting provider.
Announce /48 for each site and announce each /48 plus a covering /44 or
/32 or whatever you were given. That way you will be reachable even from
those providers who filter by database objects.

On the other hand, if the sites each live in their own world, consider
whether you can live with PA space from whichever provider you have at
each site. If you must have PI, get a separate /48 for each site if

Akamai can get away with taking a /32 and splitting it to deaggregated
/48's, because any ISP which cannot reach Akamai is going to get
complaints from its customers. If you have that kind of clout, you can
do whatever you want. For the rest of us, being strict in what you send
and liberal in what you accept is the only -- and strict means no
deaggregation without covering routes or separate database objects.

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