On (2013-01-23 01:30 +0000), Michael Ahladianakis wrote:

> Typically a /48 is suppose to be the smallest block advertised out as ARIN 
> and I believe all other registrars recommend a /48 per site. However looking 
> at my tables I am seeing /64's from multiple upstream AS'. 

ACK. Unfortunately due to some personal crusades there are semi popular
'strict filters' found on Internet which cause quite large networks to be
dropped, like /36 (I'm guessing between 1-3% of ASN will filter like this
But these will be fixed in due time, when enough people complain to those.
But it has bitten one of my customers already.

In IPv4 we almost always could live without more-specifics as network were
small and it was easy to justify new block. So when you do have
disconnected DCs, it usually just worked. In IPv6 you won't get second
block in RIPE area, so deaggregation is must. I think in ARIN area this is
different and two DCs would mean you could get two blocks.

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