You can turn off/on the alarm and warn circuits via the craft interface, which might do what you want, could use that to drive a relay.


On 3/19/13 11:50 AM, Morgan McLean wrote:
I can see turning off USB from a security stand point, like disabling
console too....but then again in the event of needing to restore the device
that could be a big problem.

AND, if they have physical access, the war is already lost.

...Also, I don't think you should really be powering devices with your
routers? Just an opinion. Not exactly what its designed for.


On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Clarke Morledge <> wrote:

To answer my own question, I found out from JTAC that the ability to turn
off the power to the USB port on an MX routing engine is not possible
because it is "not supported".

I thought Junos was built on FreeBSD.   Aren't you supposed to be able to
do just about anything you want with FreeBSD?

Clarke Morledge
College of William and Mary
Information Technology - Network Engineering
Jones Hall (Room 18)
Williamsburg VA 23187
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