On 25/03/2013, at 12:33 PM, Skeeve Stevens 
<skeeve+juniper...@eintellegonetworks.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've heard quite a few people have self-upgraded their SRX240's from v1 to
> v2's simply by upgrading the RAM from 1Gb to 2Gb.
> Couple of questions.
> 1. Any one got a photo of the inside of the SRX240 (can't find any on
> Google)

Yes - I'll send directly

> 2. What 'exact' kind of RAM is in the SRX240... slots, sizes, speed, ecc?,
> etc

Stock module in the v1s is:

1GB 1RX8 PC2-5300U-555-13-ZZ

There is only a single slot, but basically any old bit of 2G PC5300 will do the 
trick.  My normal supplier has them in stock in QLD for $30

> 3. Is there anything else that makes the B2/H2 from a hardware perspective
> other than the RAM? i.e. CPU, etc?

Flash and possibly CPU.  Still, for $30 I think the RAM upgrade is worth it - 
especially if you're doing any sort of BGP.  I haven't done any hard 
comparisons on whether it improves IDP operation any - most processes in 
branch-SRX Junos seem to have hard-coded memory limits.
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